TJL Taree Forster Tuncurry Accounting Insurance Financial Planning

Changes to TJL Taree’s office hours

August 27, 2019 / BY / IN Uncategorised

Don’t believe everything you hear – TJL is definitely still open in Taree!

Over the past 10 years of operation TJL has seen continued growth, both in the size of the business and the size of the management team. Many business owners can appreciate that while operating from multiple locations can be very rewarding, it also poses a number of challenges related to resources and efficiency.

In order to improve communication, work flow, training and team morale, we have made the decision to move the bulk of our accounting production to the Forster office, with all team members now based out of Forster every Friday.

Our Taree office will remain open Monday through to Thursday and will continue to be managed by our long term receptionist Sharyn Fletcher. The members of the Accounting team will join Sharyn in Taree on a set schedule each week, and all members of staff – including our Insurance and Financial Planning team – will be happy to travel to Taree for appointments that have been made in advance.

The Taree office will still be available for appointments on Fridays, but these will need to be made in advance. The exception to this is the first Friday of each month, when we will be open for our usual trading hours.

In addition to these changes, we are also adopting a new policy of closing for lunch at the same time each day, to improve productivity and efficiency within the team.

The new trading hours for the Taree office are as follows:

Monday – Thursday: 8.30am – 12pm, 1pm – 5pm

Friday: 8.30am – 12pm, 1pm – 5pm (1st Friday of each month only; all other Fridays by appointment only

The new trading hours for the Forster office are as follows:

Monday – Friday: 8.30am – 1pm, 2pm – 5pm

We apologise for any inconvenience these changes may cause, but we are confident that the changes will have minimal impact on our clients. If you have any concerns about these changes, please don’t hesitate to contact the office on (02) 6552 3233 or (02) 6554 9511, or discuss with your Client Manager directly